MSU Choral Teacher Share: Practical Resources & Strategies from Coast to Coast (condensed as part of Developing Musicianship Skills session) Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI) July 23, 2016
I can recommend the two blobs games, which are shown first on the site. The second blob game has the option of using the piano pitches instead of the blobs (see the "options" button after you start the game).
Remember that this site is designed in the UK, so the terminology differs from what we typically use in American classrooms.
Please contact me if I can support you in trying Takadimi in your classroom! I'd love to work with you one-on-one or design PD for you and your colleagues.
NCMEA 2016 Professional Development Conference Winston-Salem, NC November 5, 2016
This site contains free exercises, flash cards, worksheets, mp3 recordings, and teacher resources provided by Carol Krueger, author of Progressive Sight Singing.
Please contact me if I can support you in trying Takadimi in your classroom! I'd love to work with you one-on-one or design PD for you and your colleagues.
Hawai'i-ACDA: Professional Development Day 2017 University of Hawai'i at West O'ahu (Kapolei, HI) September 2, 2017
This site contains free exercises, flash cards, worksheets, mp3 recordings, and teacher resources provided by Carol Krueger, author of Progressive Sight Singing.
Please contact me if I can support you in trying Takadimi in your classroom! I'd love to work with you one-on-one or design PD for you and your colleagues.
NAfME Northwest Professional Development Conference Portland, OR February 15th, 2019
This site contains free exercises, flash cards, worksheets, mp3 recordings, and teacher resources provided by Carol Krueger, author of Progressive Sight Singing.
Please contact me if I can support you in trying Takadimi in your classroom! I'd love to work with you one-on-one or design PD for you and your colleagues.
IMEA 2023 Professional Development Conference Fort Wayne, IN January 13th, 2023
This site contains free exercises, flash cards, worksheets, mp3 recordings, and teacher resources provided by Carol Krueger, author of Progressive Sight Singing.
Please contact me if I can support you in trying Takadimi in your classroom! I'd love to work with you one-on-one or design PD for you and your colleagues.